Landscape Design Tips We Love: Plan For Seating

Built-In Seating is a Great Way to Elevate Your Backyard The art of creating a beautiful landscape design is just as much about function as it is aesthetics. There is a simple yet timeless saying, “Why stand when you can sit?”. While we love taking long, meandering walks through gardens and landscapes, there is something […]

Landscape Design Tip: Making the Most Out of Your Small Space

Beautiful gardens don’t have to be big. If properly designed, a small garden or small patio can become a lovely retreat just for you. Here are a few tips to designing a small outdoor space:   1) To create a functional small patio, keep your patio furniture scaled down to fit your space. Installing built […]

Landscape Design Tips to Improve Your Garden

Creating a layered garden is one of the secrets to successful backyard landscaping. Just like layering paint on canvas, layering different plants in your garden will create a stunning and interesting work of art. There are several different characteristics of a plant that need to be considered when creating layered backyard landscaping. These include but […]

Tips to Designing Your Perfect Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor kitchens are a fun and convenient way to bring the party outdoors. Whether you are entertaining guests or just cooking for your family, outdoor kitchens allow you to enjoy your garden while preparing a meal. One common element of an outdoor kitchen is the outdoor island; very similar to an island you would install […]

Garden Design Tip: Using Decomposed Granite in Your Landscape

Decomposed granite is a landscaping material made from granite aggregates 1/4” or smaller. It can be used for walkways, patio areas, planter mulching, etc. Driveway paving is another area where you might use decomposed granite. This material can come in tan or gray colors and can provide a natural, rustic look to any garden. If […]

Inside Designing Your Perfect Garden

Creating a master plan for your garden is a great first step in organizing your ideas and developing a beautiful space. Step 1- Develop goals for each part of the garden. A plan is usually divided into four parts: the Approach and Arrival Sequence, the Hub or house, the Perimeter, and Passages to Destinations. Make […]

Discover the Many Benefits to Adding Synthetic Turf to Your Landscape Design

Synthetic turf is an excellent alternative to real lawn, and it is becoming more and more popular in California. There has been a huge advancement in the quality of materials used to produce synthetic turf, and it now looks more realistic than ever. There are several reasons that installing synthetic turf is beneficial, including:   […]

Landscape Design Tip: How to Design a Gorgeous Mediterranean Garden

With the right plants, materials, and design you can create a beautiful Mediterranean garden in your own back yard. Here are a few key elements of any good Mediterranean garden:   Use warm, bright colors. Cream-colored stone, white walls, and terra cotta pots are all great examples of Mediterranean colors.   Keep the design simple […]

Landscape Design Ideas: Creating a Lush, Drought Tolerant Garden

Kangaroo Paw – Anigozanthos   When it comes to drought tolerant plants, Kangaroo Paw is a standout option. Kangaroo paw is a herbaceous perennial plant with thick grass-like foliage and a unique flowering character. Flowers are fuzzy and range from red, pink, green, yellow and orange. They bloom from mid-spring to early summer and provide […]

Landscape Design Tip: Designing a Better Pathway for Your Garden

landscape maintenance bakersfield

The importance of walkways in a garden is often over looked. However, walkways provide connection between different parts of the garden and without them, the garden can feel disjointed and unorganized. Here are some tips to follow when designing a garden pathway: Decide what style or atmosphere you would like to create. Straight pathways with […]