Landscape Design: Drought Tolerant Makeover

Our clients had just purchased their home & the landscape was in dire need of help. The home had sat on the market for an extended period & unfortunately not much had survived the neglect. They were ready for a dramatic change. They wanted a drought tolerant landscape that would provide them with an extended living space to enjoy the garden. They also wanted to clearly divide the public area of their garden from the more private patio space.
We began by completely wiping the landscape clean. Turf, plants, grass, everything had to go to begin our transformation. Next, we created a stunning accent wall using a natural stone finish & a richly colored concrete cap. The accent wall meanders, curvilinear through the space & has a breakpoint with a change of elevation to create an even more dramatic visual.
Next, we created our patio using our custom, broken concrete. The concrete is colored to give yet another subtle color change to the space & now provides our clients with plenty of room for expanded seating. Surrounding the patio, we added shade trees like the ‘Oklahoma’ Redbud & Jacaranda to protect the patio from the southern exposure.
Finally, we added a diverse assortment of drought tolerant plants & succulents. Now, what was once a neglected yard filled with weeds & dirt is a beautiful palette of complimentary colors & unique textures.