Our client had recently moved into a new home & was sorely disappointed with her new backyard. It lacked any type of character, color or interest. At her previous home, she loved to enjoy her early mornings & late evenings outdoors in her garden. She desperately wanted her new back yard to be just as welcoming & enjoyable. In her dream garden design, she also envisioned a soothing waterfall outside her backdoor.
We began the transformation by removing a large portion of our clients’ turf grass to make room for her new waterfall. We created a beautiful, cascading waterfall using the property’s existing slope & brought it into the main view of the living room. We also extended the creek bed of the waterfall towards the patio to give a more dramatic stone texture to the landscape design. We also utilized a rich assortment of stone to create a natural retaining wall at the rear of the landscape.
Next, we removed all of the old shrubs & plants to make room for our new planting palette. Our client loved bright colors, so we filled the garden design with bright pinks, reds, & yellows. In particular, we made great use of Tecoma Stans, a heavy blooming & drought tolerant bloomer that boasts bright yellow blooms nearly all-year-long. In order to add another splash of color to the landscape, we installed a striking colored ceramic pot within the landscape. The richly colored pot became an immediate focal point outside the master bedroom.
Now, when our client sits out to enjoy her garden, there is a beautiful view everywhere you turn!
-Since 1953, Monji Landscape Companies has been a leader in landscape design, landscape construction, & landscape maintenance.